Thursday, January 7, 2016

Use The Force for Religion

Call me silly, and I know you will, but I am genuinely considering teaching my children The Force as their religion. No I am not starting a Star Wars themed church, though dibs I called that shit, I think that discussing the Dark/Light lore with them is valid enough to emphasize the importance of their decisions. That certain choices will lead to a certain livelihood.  It isn't really like this is a novel concept, The Force is in many ways a version Dharma which is the basic concept included within Buddhism and Hinduism as well as other religions.

The Dharma was explained to me once as the life force of the universe that we in turn are effected by and can in fact effect. Further reading led me to dharma being law and order and ultimately what holds together the universe together. Sound familiar? It should because if you replace the term Force with Dharma in any of the Star Wars films nothing would really change. In this way Buddha would have been high in midichlorians and if had access to a lightsaber would have been a Jedi, same thing with Jesus. On the flip side this would also very well explain why bad people are so very capable of not only doing bad things but doing them successfully. They are able to harness the dark side of the force to do bad things, ahem uuuummmm Hitler? 

The best part of this idea I feel is they can actively participate in this thought process by just living. At this point it would be nearly impossible to avoid Star Wars if you were 5 or 3 years old. Now the task at hand will be to get them to choose the Light. More on this later.