Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Coming together

One of the most difficult things we constantly deal with is difference in opinion. Let me be clear, almost anything can be a matter of opinion, science religion, politics you name it. Facts may infact be hard to come by. 

Let's take a look at a popular argument, evolution vs. creationism. Creationism believes that the world is a few thousand years old. Pretty much every scientist in the world agrees this is absolutely rediculous. What I'd like to point out is that our proof that the world is billions of years old comes based off of research. This research is what builds consensus and proof, but it is (although super unlikely) possible that all of our research is based off the wrong conclusions, wrong assumptions, perhaps the math itself is altogether not the only answer. The laws of physics are constantly being tested leaving the potential possibility that some if not all of them are missing information that might otherwise explain our answers.

So then let's find a way that both evolution and creationism can live in he same place. Ok, let's say if a person wants to argue with you about creationism, to deflate the argument and move on with a potentially peaceful conclusion would be to say, "I wasn't here 3000 years ago to be able to tell, but if the creation belief is true, then when the earth was created God made it with all the dinosaur bones already in the ground, and the ice records in the poles showing millions of years of existence." If God made the world 3000 years ago, he/she did so with all of this stuff built in.

The issue here is that God could have the created the world yesterday and made our memories to believe we had lived the lives we have lived but this morning was actually our first breathe. I'm doubting you will get a very accepting audience to this second point, mostly because I have tried it with people and I know it goes only marginally well. The point is to move on in the world we all need to get away from the fringes of our understanding and find concrete ways to consistently coexist.

It's fun to argue and yell and be rediculous, but it is more fun to build a better future for our children not sharpen the focus of communal myopic views.

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